Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dancing with my Dad

I heard a song today, "dancing with my Dad". It was like the song writer had looked into my life and wrote my memories into a song. Some of my most precious memories was dancing with Dad, from twirling around as a little girl to dancing in the Father/ daughter dance at the end of year school ball at Cloudland.  The last time, I was in year 6 and the dance was the Pride of Erin. My favourite of the dances. We got about half way through the dance and Dad had to pull out to sit, he was sick, but had made such an effort to come, determine to try and dance with me. I cried and cried that night, I think I somehow knew it would be our last dance. My early memories, I would watch my Dad dance with my Mum around the lounge, while a little embarrassed to witness such intimacy, I saw great love. My Dad would love to take my Mum out to dinner and dancing. Mum would look stunning in a gown and heels, dad in his suit. He would say he had the best looking girl on his arm and then he would twirl her around to get a look from her back. He would then give a wolf whistle and mum would give him a kiss. Dad loved to whistle, he did this because he couldn't sing, but he would try sometimes, when mum was playing his favourite songs on the piano.
The day Dad died our would collapsed, he was our anchor, and strength of our family.