Friday, October 2, 2009

Purpose Driven Life: 5 Greatest Questions 2007

In 2007 as a life group we studied the Purpose Driven Life. At the end of the book we were challenged to look at how we answer the 5 greatest questions in relation to the purpose and plan of our life using the gifts and abilities God has given us. Here I share my answers for 2007.

Chapter 40: Purpose Driven Life: 5 Greatest Questions


What will be the centre of my life? Worship

To worship God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
To love, honour and trust God with my life and with the lives of those I love.
To recognise that without him I can do nothing. He is the strength of my life, my all.
To serve God all the days of my life, to be a good and faithful servant.


What will be the character of my life? Discipleship

Character qualities:
Diligence and commitment to the calling on my life.
Encourage and disciple other believers.
Develop spiritual understanding, discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness and generous love.
Endure long-suffering.
Be a peacemaker.
To know joy.
Blessing of health.


What will be the contribution of my life? Service

Spiritual Gifts
To encourage others, discernment.

Passion for the sick, those in pain, for the dying, for families.
Minor passion for politics, for injustices, accountability of government.

Nursing, reading, writing, listening

Shy, introverted, a thinker.
I hate crowds, love intimacy and spending time with friends and in small group discussions.

Relational – marriage, parenting, family dynamics, adoption, death.
Vocational – nursing experiences, teaching.
Educational – nursing, counselling, bible college.
Spiritual – lifetime of growth and development of Christian character. A deep love for the things of God.

Painful Experiences
Grief and loss, multiple losses.
A marriage separation and restoration through God’s grace and commitment.
Shattered dreams.

How can I make a difference? Choose who you can help.


What will be the communication of my life? Mission

Mission to unbelievers: my hospital environment.

Testimony of my own life lessons. Sharing my own experience of grief and loss.
Using my Godly passions to make a difference. Going the extra mile. Influencing others through my character.
Together with my husband, we raised two now adult children to love and serve God. They are a heritage and blessing from God.
To a be a grandparent, to influence another generation in the ways of God, investing love, time and commitment to sharing God’s love so they grow up knowing the love of a Saviour.


What will be the community of my life? Fellowship

Connection to our local church: Westlife.
To support Andrew Staggs as pastor and the leadership team.
To support and encourage other believers.
To be faithful in giving.
To serve, using my shape.
To host/ attend home group and share to encourage the growth of others.
To attend church regularly.
To attend more corporate prayer meetings.

LIFE STATEMENTS (January 2008)

Vocational Life

Compassion for the sick and dying. To continue my work in palliative care and nursing those who are in pain and distress. To provide comfort and strength and support along their journey.
To continue to educate other nurses and staff to provide quality care to the dying and to meet the needs of this group of patients in a holistic way.
To encourage and support my colleagues, giving of my time, knowledge and talent to lead and serve by example.
To respect and honour medical staff and managers, even when I disagree with them. To influence others through my character, my attitudes, words and behaviour.
To display the compassion and the love of God toward all whom I have contact within the hospital community.
To take a break from my counselling studies and reflect/ pray and decide about whether to continue the 2nd year and complete the course next year.

Spiritual Life

To develop the gifts of the Spirit in my life.
To accept my shape and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide me to fulfil the calling on my life.
A commitment to our local Westlife church.
Financial giving. Blessed to be a blessing to others.
Personal growth and development of my Christian walk.
To read and meditate on God’s word and other resources.
Begin to journal.

Personal Life

Prioritize time with God to understand His ways and to develop Christ-like character.
Develop the gifts and abilities God has given to me to minister to others, hope and encouragement, disciple women.
Overcome shyness and interact with new people.
Exercise and walk my dog more.
Take Roderick with me !!
Aim for a balanced life: eat, rest, and sleep.
Use my time wisely.
Financial saving plan, for house deposit and a return trip to the States next year.

Relational Life

Recognising that my most important relationship (2nd to God) is my marriage.
To prioritize our time so we can get time together to nurture each other.
To care, support and encourage Roderick often.
To value the love and commitment we share, focusing on our friendship, love, intimacy and guidance.
To remind Roderick of his value and worth.

Parenting is our greatest blessing; I honour my role of motherhood.
To love and support my daughter Bec through her pregnancy, recognising her fears and praying for God’s peace.
To speak life to this little soul, who we will one day call our grandchild.
To pray for Evan and encourage and reassure him as he looks for guidance to be a father.
We will continue to invest in their lives with our time, our love, our prayers, wisdom and our finances to encourage them to follow God’s plan for their lives.
Plan to take time off work to spend with Bec and the baby later this year, to support and encourage her in the early days of motherhood.

To my extended family, to be a peacemaker, investing in their lives to teach, to care for, to love, to give time and finances as needed.

Building friendships, to encourage and to share life with them.
To walk with them through the difficult times and rejoice in the good.
To be a blessing to others.
To recognise that some friendships are seasonal, but that I can still reach out to touch and support them using the gifts God has given to me.

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